Time, can you pause right here, right now?

it has been a long day, has been long days for quite long now. I was walking home, it started drizzling, so I find a shade, stand there and all I could think of was, why doesn't time take a pause? So I take out my pen and here is what I could write before…

Take me back to the simpler times

I want to go back to the simpler times, When there weren’t a thousand texts to reply to, Only letters written with the ink of love, No emails or Slack message anxiety, Just work 9 to 5, earn a little less, Have a little more time for you and your dears. Entertainment was theatrics and…

Intelligent drones: Governance and Responsible AI

Learning from mistakes and loopholes in various artificial intelligence technologies, it is high time that we pay attention to the development of robust AI algorithms. We must also put laws and policies in place to responsibly deploy and govern intelligent drones before they get out of control. Photo by Miguel Ángel Hernández on Unsplash What are “intelligent” drones?…

By the Lakefill

I sat on a rock by the Michigan lake, The lake wide as ocean; calm as a saint in heaven. Heavenly was the cool breeze; that brought along bouquet of Chicago, Chicago - distantly visible, sparkled and danced with the reflection of the moon. The moon was full and yellow, in harmony with the sky…

Souvenirs of My Trip to the Land of Beas

I should stop recycling my old articles to post here and it has been more than a year since I put up something new, hopefully sometime soon. Meanwhile thanks for reading this article of mine that I wrote in 2015, my first one on Entelechy, DA-IICT! 🙂 I had been lucky to get chances of…

A rural internship experience from 2016

This article was originally written in January 2017 in collaboration with my beautiful friend Soumya. “It was a sort of ferocious, quiet beauty, the sort that wouldn’t let you admire it. The sort of beauty that always hurt.” - Someone we don’t know [Note from the authors: We have taken utmost care that the article…

Outside the mauve glass

Suddenly on a sunny day, scorching and parching, It rains outside the mauve-tinted glass, Of the room that I am sitting in, Above the dry leaves. A wave of delight is spread; A man dances with the rhythm of drops in his suit, And birds chirp with the splashing sound. But he has to toil…

That math class

[I find math lectures the most fascinating but that one day, just one I promise, the air was different and 2 years later when I found the below written notes instead of the solution of the half-mentioned problem, I really wonder what had happened that day. It was a state of complete somnolence and I…

Book review: Three Men in a Boat

Originally written in June 2016. After reading dystopian fiction, feeling like I might end up in a world ruled by some so-called ‘elite people’ or the computers maybe, or some country might start ruling us in a war and I will die making armaments or serving as a slave to a tyrant, I decided to…

Souvenirs from Sikkim

Article originally written in June 2016 A trip awaited for a long time finally arrived and there is really much more in the mountains there. With a pleasant idea of a trip to a beautiful place having mountains, brooks, forests and other such heavenly objects, (not that the urban life is hell but when you’re…